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Help East Africans get their dream Bible! There are places where the Bible in the local language is still unavailable because it costs a fortune (about PLN 30) and people dream of having at least one Bible for their family, but they cannot afford it. These include, for example, rural regions of Ethiopia, Kenya and Sudan, where instead of cash, there is trade in goods, e.g. eggs for milk. It comes to the point that in churches with e.g. 200 followers, on average, 1-2 Bibles are available. For us it's not much, but for them it's a huge amount.

In Ethiopia alone, there are approximately 200,000 Seventh-day Adventists, or an average of approximately 50,000 families. In order for each of these families to have their own Bible, approximately 50,000 Bibles are needed, not to mention each person has their own copy. Let's help them!

Currently (as of Apr 10, 2024) we have managed to donate funds for 2,303 of 50,000 needed Bibles! Will you join us?

Dom mieszkalny 2.jpeg

Luxury Family Home

A multi-generational family of 2 to 10 people usually lives in such a house

Local Adventist Church

This is what one of the church buildings and the pastor of this church look like.

Compare with churches available in your country!

Pastor w wiosce 2.jpeg

Bibles From Us :)

These are photos of Bibles purchased so far thanks to our efforts. A total of at least 50,000 pieces are required. The cost of 1 piece is only about EUR 7.

Will you contribute?

Why do we collect for Bibles and not for food or clothing?

We consider spiritual matters a priority.

The Lord Jesus said: "Therefore do not worry or wonder: What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear? All these are the concerns of the nations. Your Father in heaven knows that you need all these things. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Mt 6:33) and "For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?" (Mk 8:36)


However, we do not forget about physical needs.

We recommend the ADRA Polska Foundation's program that helps the most defenseless inhabitants of Africa, orphan children, thanks to which they receive a safe home, clothing, food and education. If you want to help in this way - click here.

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100% of the donations received will be donated to the East-Central Africa Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church based in Kenya to purchase Bibles for believers in Ethiopia, Kenya and surrounding countries.

We send all funds gathered  to date monthly, around 15th of the month, and then we update the counter above. 


IBAN:  PL89105013151000002273878757

Recepient: Diecezja Poludniowa Kosciola Adwentystow

Street: Lubelska 25

ZIP: 30-003

City: Krakow

Country: Poland


Transfer subject: Bibles For Africa

Bank address: ING Bank Slaski S.A. , ul. Sokolska 34, 40-086 Katowice, Poland

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